LBS 2024 WISDOM WALKER Registration

LBS 2024: July 27th - August 2nd | In case of an emergency where you are unable to come after signing up, please contact us right away so others can fill your spot.

Welcome to Lancaster Bible School WISDOM WALKER Registration! 
The goal of LBS is to lift up the name of Jesus, and to expand His Kingdom in Lancaster City. We do this at LBS by showing God's love to the kids who attend, teaching Bible lessons, having lots of fun interactions, and proclaiming the truth of God's Word. We're excited to see all that God will do at LBS again this year!

PLEASE NOTE: We are requiring that all Teachers/Staff/Volunteers (age 18 or above) submit applicable clearance reports. You'll receive another email (within the next few weeks) after submitting your registration with further details.

Empowerment Weekend: (Attendance REQUIRED) 
This is held at the LBS location in Lancaster County Park starting Saturday, July 27th at 2:00 PM with sessions continuing through the rest of Saturday & Sunday. This is an important time of preparing, uniting, and being equipped for the week of LBS. Bible School will be in session with the kids Monday through Friday. 

PLEASE NOTE: This sign-up form is for those serving in the Wisdom Walking positions. If you're planning to be a Wisdom Walker, and also have other responsiblities such as Bus Driver, Bus Captain, Attendance receiver, etc - please use ONLY this form to sign-up. (not the staff link)
Your Contact Info:

Please select one option.
Wisdom Walker Information:

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Wisdom Walker - Sign up for responsiblities?

Usher: The usher's job is to come early to the large group assemblies and make sure the chairs are in order, trash is picked up, and be ready to seat the kids as they come into the tent.

Quiet Seat Watchers: The quiet seat watchers job is to mirror whatever is happening on stage while looking for kids who are causing issues. They don't wait for the teachers if there is a problem - they jump right in without distracting the crowd.

Group Leaders: Group leader's job is to be be the communication link between the office and your team. Your role would be more about managing the bigger picture for your team and not being as quick to jump in with kids that need help for more than a few minutes. You would take responsibility to move your groups from station to station and making sure that your wisdom walkers are engaging with kids.

Senior Wisdom Walker: This job is for those with a few years of Wisdom Walker experience, who like to go deeper with kids who need it most. You would make it your job to find most challenging "opportunity" kids and spend as much time with them as possible. You'd focus more on connecting with kids than that you follow your group.
Please select all that apply.
Additional STAFF Positions: (Check ALL that Apply)

PLEASE NOTE: Only use this form if your responsibilities include Wisdom Walking at LBS. Otherwise, use the Staff sign-up link. 

NOTE: Those on the Worship/Drama/Teaching team are to use the Staff sign-up link - NOT this form.
Please select all that apply.
LBS Staff/Teacher Expectations (Important, read to the end)

We expect those who partner with us to: Be born-again Christians who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who are not living in adultery (not divorced & remarried, sex outside of marriage, fornication) or living a homosexual lifestyle. 

We require the following to be observed while at LBS:

-Absolutely no smoking, drinking or drug use will be tolerated during the week of LBS. 

-Men are to wear long pants and shirts with sleeves. (No shorts or sleeveless shirts) We also ask that men do not wear hats during worship times.

-Ladies are to wear a modest shirt & knee-length dress/skirt, and are to wear a head covering while at LBS that is an obvious symbol of a covered head.

-Men and Ladies are to refrain from wearing jewelry, including piercings. (exception made for engagement/wedding bands)

We understand that we all see these issues from a slightly different vantage point. We respect and value that, but we ask that these requirements are followed at all times while on the LBS grounds. We’re not attempting to make these things the main focus - in fact, the more we can simply be respectful of these requirements, the more we can stay focused on why we’re partnering together at LBS: to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus!

If you want clarification on our Staff Requirements, you may feel free to contact us at

Please select all that apply.
Final Questions:

Please select one option.

The Wisdom Walker Early Bird Registration Fee is $100.00 until May 31st, then $150 thereafter. This fee helps to cover some of the cost of LBS and includes one LBS 2024 t-shirt.

Please note that the actual cost of LBS is approximately $275 per person. If you wish to contribute beyond the registration fee to help with LBS expenses, choose one of the "additional donation" options in the drop-down box below, then enter your credit/debit card number. 

*Your application is not complete/saved until payment is submitted. This registration fee is non-refundable. 



LBS 2024: July 27th - August 2nd
In case of an emergency where you are unable to come after signing up, please contact us right away so others can fill your spot.